Monday, August 22, 2016

Danica's Program 2016-2017

Language Arts:

LifePac Workbooks
Novel Studies


LifePac Workbooks


A Beka Investigating God's World
Online Resources, videos

Social Studies:

A Beka Old World History & Geography


A Beka Enjoying Good Health

Phys. Ed:

Free Play
Local Gym
Seasonal Sports


Hoffman Academy Online Lessons

Bible/Religious Studies:

Kids4Truth, Sunday School, Services
Memory Work, Daily Digging, and Recitation

Arts & Crafts

Misc. online resources (Crafts For Kids)


French Online Course

Always Ice Cream

Various Learning Activities

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Online Classes For Homeschoolers

 Several months ago, I discovered Schoolhouse Teachers, and decided to sign up. There are classes on every subject, and lots of electives. Some courses are text based, some have video components, and all necessary materials are included. I like to give the kids lots of options, and help them find things that interest them, rather than just 'doing school' to get it done. Hopefully these classes will ease the boredom factor!
  Right away, Danica decided to check out a french course, and loved it! She'll be continuing with it this fall when we get back to school.
  I've also found several short courses for the boys...some will help them decide on a career path, others show them how to start their own small business. Daniel will be taking a photography course along with a challenge to send in his own photos. 
  Included in the membership is access to a huge media library with videos for all shows, biographies, documentaries, movies. I'm looking forward to checking some of these out myself!
 I initially signed up for the first month for $1, but we're definitely keeping our membership...It's well worth the $12.95 a month! You can check it out through my affiliate link at Schoolhouse Teachers.